Rajini offers explanations

Rajini offers explanations

Script of Kuselan, the Tamil remake of Malayalam Katha Parayumbol is being revised to suit Tamil audience.

Srinivasan, the renowned Malayalam actor who had written the story for Katha Parayumbol and essayed Pasupathy’s role in the film happens to be a good friend of super star from his film institute days.

While talking about the changes in Kuselan, he says, “In Malayalam, role of Mammooty was very minimal while the film’s focus is on my character. However few scenes are added in Tamil to highlight Rajini’s character”. While heaping praise on super star, Srinivasan states that for every change that is being made in Kuselan, Rajini personally calls him and seeks his opinion and approval on the same.

He is also quick to point out that he had written the script of Katha Parayumbol keeping in mind the Malayalam audience and feels that appropriate changes are needed while targeting Tamil audience.

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